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Alex Mackie Osteopath is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. This policy outlines our commitments to you in accordance with the Commonwealth Privacy Act (1998) and the ten National Privacy Principles (NPP’s) it contains.

The NPP’s regulate the manner in which we handle your personal information from initial collection to use and disclosure, storage, accessibility and disposal.

Alex Mackie Osteopath will only collect your personal information where and when it relates to the provision of services to you and the performance of our business activities. At no time will your personal information be disclosed to another company for that company’s independent use.

Whenever Alex Mackie Osteopath collects personal information directly from you or through a third party we will make every reasonable attempt at the time to inform you:

  • Why we are collecting your information
  • To whom we will disclose that information
  • The purpose(s) for which we intend to use that information

In general, the primary purposes for which we collect your personal information include:

  • Providing information about upcoming specials and offers
  • Responding to sales requests
  • Supply of marketing information about our products

In using your personal information in these ways, it may be necessary for us to make disclosure to third parties such as sellers or buyers, mailing houses or market research firms. Where disclosures take place, we employ stringent safeguards to ensure the security of your personal information.

At all times, we will take great care to ensure that your personal information is:

  • Accurate, complete and up to date
  • Protected, treated confidentially and guarded from unauthorised access

Only staff who have a need to access your personal information to perform their job will have access to that information.

Personal information held by us will be destroyed or permanently de-identified when it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected.

Access To And Correction Of Your Personal Information:

If you believe that we have not dealt with your personal information in a manner that complies with the Privacy Act (1988) you should contact Alex Mackie Osteopath to discuss how we may better deal with it. Similarly, if you wish to access personal information that we hold about you, you may make a request in writing. Should Alex Mackie Osteopath decline your request, we will provide you with reasons for that denial.

All correspondence should be directed to:

Alex Mackie Osteopath:
Suite 2, 69 Hickory Street,
Dorrigo, NSW 2453